

Introduction and Disclaimer


Welcome! Thanks for checking out my OUATIM fan fiction story,
but before you start reading please do take the time to read the 
brief introduction and disclaimer. Thanks!


First and foremost the disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon A Time In Mexico,
or any of it's characters. Once Upon A Time In Mexico and  Sands
are owned by Robert Rodriguez and Columbia Tri-Star. This story
was written without their knowledge or permission.
 No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made in any way, shape
or form from this website's content or fan fiction.
Any copyright notices, issues etc should be sent to:

The story, Sands Through The Hourglass, and the original characters that appear
within it (i.e, any characters not from the movie) are my property... so please
do not use them without my permission. If you'd like to archive this story somewhere
just e-mail me at
scarlet8@ix.netcom.com and let me know.


Please visit the Official Once Upon A Time In Mexico Website.


Just a couple quick things before you start reading!

*Rating: R - This is for harsh adult language, violence, mild torture and disturbing situations.

There is no slash in this story. 

The material within this story does not exceed what was in the movie, so if you don't mind the movie's R material than you should be fine.


A very, very special thanks to my wonderful beta, Stella, for her time, effort, and wonderful work. Her editing, insight and con-crit was monumentally helpful.
You helped make this so much better, Girl. Thank you!


*Timeline & Spoilers: This story takes place directly after the movie. So naturally, it contains major plot spoilers for the film, Once Upon A Time In Mexico.

*Characters: This story is pretty much a Sands vehicle. Other characters (not to give anything away) from the movie come into the story at a later time.


*Research: Ah yes, I did do some research for this story. After I wrote the first chapter I realized that I had very little knowledge of the CIA other than the basics and I felt that it was hurting the story, so... a lot of the terminology, slang, CIA home bases, training camps etc. are based on fact. Of course I had to use creative license on some things, because a lot of stuff is not available public information. In those cases I tried my best. However, all terminology & slang used in the story is correct (to my knowledge). A list of references is listed below.

While reading the story you may look up any CIA slang/terminology in my
Spook Speak Quick Peek Dictionary. The link is available on the chapter pages and pops up in a small separate window.

*CIA Disclaimer: Although the CIA terms, slang, gear and (some of) the places mentioned within this story are, to the best of my knowledge, true... the people, story and circumstances are not. It does not in any way reflect on how the CIA actually does it's job (i.e. how far they let their spies go to get the job done, etc.). As far as that is concerned, it is completely fictional and based on how the movie Once Upon A Time In Mexico portrays it's CIA operative, and operations surrounding said officer. The portrayal of the CIA in this story is not meant to be taken seriously, and should be looked at for what it is... fiction.

*Translations for non-English languages included within this story can always be found at the end of the chapter.

References > Book

Spy Book: The Encyclopedia of Espionage 
Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen

Idiot's Guide To The CIA 
Allen Swenson

Understanding Psychology
Charles G. Morris and Albert A. Maisto

CIA: Secrets of "The Company"
Mick Farren

References > Online
warning - some of the below links include content that may be disturbing, and 
these links are marked with an
* asterisk. 

Official CIA Website
CIA Factbook On Intelligence
A Compendium of Analytic Tradecraft Notes - Note 10
Excerpts From 'CIA Torture Manual' *
The International Spy Museum
Internet Movie Database
American Foundation For The Blind
Colorado School For The Deaf And Blind
American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
NineHundred.Net: Rape of the Mind *
CIA and Behavior Control Research
CIA Careers


References > Non-Print Media

Once Upon A Time In Mexico [film] 2003
Robert Rodriguez (director). Columbia Tri-star.

Spy Game [DVD]

SpyTek: Real 007 [TV program] 2004
Discovery Science Channel

SpyTek: Deadly Game [TV program] 2004
Discovery Science Channel

C.I.A. Sexpionage 
Discovery Times Channel

Hollywood Spytek
Discovery Science Channel

*An occasional odd nod goes to the following, which were briefly mentioned, parodied or quoted in the story.


Enter Sandman
Metallica [
visit official website]

N. Michalak


Die Hard [film] 1988
John McTiernan (director). 20th Century Fox.


The Lone Ranger [TV Series] 1949-1957
American Broadcasting Company (distributor). Apex Film Corp.

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~No © Copyright Infringement Is Intended~

Once Upon A Time In Mexico and its characters are copyright Robert Rodriguez.
No profit is being made from this website or its content, no © infringement intended.
If for any reason, anything on this website needs to be removed 
e-mail the webmistress.

Website created by
Scarlett Burns.
Please do not copy fan fiction or images
without permission of the