-The Isle - A refuge for fan fiction

Story Submit

Do you have writing that you'd like to submit to The Isle? Wonderful! The isle is open to all fandoms and is always looking for a good read. 

» The Isle is open to any fandom, and will make new categories when/if there is a demand for them.

The basic information that you need to know before you submit is listed below -- please read it before you submit. Otherwise, your story may not be included in the archive.

Criteria for submitting --

 » The Isle does not archive the following types of fiction: real person fiction (i.e. fiction based on an actor), 
     role-play fiction, script format stories, and self-insertion fiction (i.e. Character-You).

» Ratings: The Isle accepts adult/mature and slash stories -- if you're not sure what to rate your story,
    please visit www.fictionratings.com to determine an appropriate rating for your fiction. I'll accept MPAA 
    ratings if you are not yet familiar with the new fiction rating system.

» Writing Quality: I understand that most of us fan fiction writers are hobbyists -- however, to be archived
    you need to have a basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, spelling, plot... all that good stuff! Read
    other stories archived on the site to get a feel for if your story is ready for submitting. Although not required,
    it is always a good rule of thumb to have your story beta'd by someone.

    Looking for a beta? Check out the free beta classifieds and post your help/want ads.

» File Types: Word (.doc), Rich Text (.rtf) files, or links to your story are best.

After submitting --

» But one lonely sole Governs The Isle, so addition to the archive may take anywhere from 1-4 weeks. Please
   be patient. Spamming will only get your IP blocked and your story fed to the sharks.

» If your story is not archived because of grammar related stuff, you may resubmit -- but only after your
    story has been reworked or beta'd.

» You will be notified when you are added to the archive.

Ready to submit?

If your fan fic meets all the criteria, submit your fic to the e-mail below! 

Please include: Your penname, fiction title, fiction rating, a short summary and your fiction as an attachment
(or a link to your fic: i.e. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2004314/1/).

Submit My Fic!


--------------------------------------------This website uses the fiction rating system.

No © Copyright Infringement Is Intended
None of the authors archived on this website claim ownership to any recognizable movie/TV characters 
that appear within the archive. All copyrights go to their respective owners.
No profit is being made from this website or its content. No © infringement intended.
If for any reason, anything on this website needs to be removed please e-mail the webmistress.

Website and graphics created by Scarlett.
Please do not copy fan fiction or images without permission of the authors or webmistress.