Spook Speak - Quick Peek Terminology

The Company - What officers, agents and those on the inside call the CIA.

White Coats or Spooks in White - Is inside slang for CIA doctors/physicians. 

Joe - From back in WWII... the basic and common American name was jargon used for
an agent (not wanting to blow cover or use their real names, of course).

OMS - Is the acronym/slang for the CIA's Office of Medical Services. This is where 
CIA employees are sent (or may go to) to get both physical and/or psychiatric treatment.

HQ - I'm sure most of you are familiar but just in case, this stands for Head Quarters.

Clandestine Operation - A secret covert or undercover operation. An operation the general public and the media alike are not aware of.

Agent - An outsider hired by a CIA officer to spy. An Agent is often a citizen of the 
              country being spied upon.

Officer - A staff employee of the agency. Officers in the field can submit to recruit agents as needed.


Cowboy - CIA slang. An unflattering term that denotes an intelligence person who defies the rules, regulations and conventions and conducts himself in an unprofessional, flamboyant way. 
aka a "loose cannon".
Note: Now, I have to wonder if it was just a coincidence that Depp (who seems to have supplied all the wardrobe for the character) had Sands decked out in full Cowboy garb a couple times in OUATIM or if it was a direct play off the actual CIA slang. Either way, I'll  never look at that scene/outfit the same again! ;)

Dry Clean - Actions operatives take to determine if they are under surveillance or bugged.

Bugs - I'm sure most of ya know this one, but it's electronic devices planted to spy on or track 
a person or group of people.

Clean - Unknown to enemy intelligence. Also means free of any kind of surveillance.

The Farm (aka Camp Swampy) - Insider slang for the CIA's training camp/spy school, located in Virginia. Also known as Camp Perry. 

Roll-Up - When an operation goes bad and/or an agent is arrested.

Blowback (aka Flap) - Potential bad publicity that might result if a CIA operation is exposed
to the public.

Exfiltration Operation - A clandestine rescue operation designed to bring a operative 
(officer or agent), defector, refugee and/or his/her family out of harm's way. 

Controller (aka Handler) - Officer in charge of a string of agents.

Camp Swampy (aka The Farm) - Insider slang for the CIA's training camp/spy school, located in Virginia. Also known as Camp Perry. 

OMS - Is the acronym/slang for the CIA's Office of Medical Services. This is where 
CIA employees are sent (or may go to) to get both physical and/or psychiatric treatment.

White Coats - CIA slang for The Company doctors.

Commandment 11 - A most important rule for a spook, "Thou shalt not get caught!".

Wet Job - Slang for an operation in which blood is shed.

Air America (aka AA) - The CIA's air lines, used by CIA officers/operatives.

Loose Cannon (aka Cowboy) - CIA slang. An unflattering term that denotes an intelligence person who defies the rules, regulations and conventions and conducts himself in an unprofessional, flamboyant way. 

Burned - When an operative is deliberately sacrificed by his own agency to protect an operation.

OOS - Acronym for the Office of Security.

Bona Fides - Proof from OOS of a person's claimed identity.

Flash Classified - Second highest state of classified material. The order goes (starting w/ least important first); Routine, Priority, Immediate, Flash, Critical.

Bridge Officer/Bridge Agent -  An operative who acts as a currier.

201 File - The file of an operative at CIA, with all his/her personal info, training and operation details.

Terminated - Murdered.

Economical with the truth - Not CIA slang or anything, but a saying that means one is conveying an untrue version of events by leaving out important facts. Simply put, when someone's lying.

Briefed - When an Officer/Agent is told pertinent facts before executing an assignment, job, operation etc.

Disinformation - False information purposely given to mislead.

HUMINT - Acronym/Slang for Human Intelligence

Compromised - When an agent or officer's true identity or mission has been uncovered and the future of the operation is shaky.

Mole - A person inside a government agency, usually an intelligence agency, who is obtaining information about that organization's secrets and activities. 

DLS Class - Acronym for Daily Living Skills Class, for those living with a disability whether it be recent or born to - in this case if would be for officers/agents injured badly on assignment.

Throwaway - An agent/officer considered

Savoir-faire - Not necessarily CIA slang, but it means... expertise, mastery, know-how, skill, training.

Microdots Tiny photographs of messages, secret documents, or other images which are so small that they can only be read with a special magnifying viewer. A full-page document can be as tiny as 1 mm in width.


*List compiled by Scarlett Burns... which could not have been done without the help of the following references and resources, all of which I highly suggest if you're at all interested in the CIA/covert world.


Spy Book: Encyclopedia of Espionage
By Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen

Idiot's Guide To The CIA, The
By Allen Swenson and Michael Benson

By Jay Robert Nash

Official CIA Website

CIA FactBook